Regelmatig moet er toch echt een historische roman gelezen worden die zich afspeelt in Schotland. Dat moet gewoon. En dan kom je dus de nieuwe schrijfster Jennifer McQuiston tegen. Bij het bekijken van de website keek ik mijn ogen uit. Wat een prachtige homepagina! Met al die fantastische grote foto’s. Een romantischer begin kun je bijna niet hebben.
Haar eerste boek is net uit en heeft hele goede recensies. Een fijn stel hoofdpersonen in een humoristische situatie. Al denken ze daar zelf in het begin van het boek heel anders over.
Een schrijfster om in de gaten te houden!
What Happens in Scotland
When recent widow Georgette Thorold wakes up in a Scottish inn with a wedding ring on her finger and lacking all memory of how she came to be there, she does what any well-bred lady with a modicum of sense and a distrust of marriage would do: she panics, clocks the wickedly handsome stranger in her bed over the head with a chamber pot, and runs.
James McKenzie, Esquire has either spent the evening protecting a very naïve, and – dare he say it – very drunk young lady from the advances of every disreputable character in the town of Moraig, or he has gone and married a pretty, scheming thief. Not that his own head is entirely clear on the matter, but when the woman in question repays his kindness with a knock on the head, the bill for her room, and the theft of his purse, an embarrassed James is determined to track her down and show her she picked the wrong solicitor to swindle.
As Georgette sets out to discover exactly what happened during her forgotten night, she uncovers a man that seems far more a hero than a rake. But when they finally meet, instead of sweeping her into his arms and kissing her senseless, he serves her with a summons, claiming she is a thief. Now the fight is on, and the only question is was it a night worth remembering? Or a mistake they would both rather forget?
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